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Derkwood Beekeeping Supplies



Regular price $44.10
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Thymovar-Varroa Mite Control-Class C-Commercial PCP#29747

Varroa Mite treatments are a regulated Class C Pesticide under the Pest Control Products Act and Ontario Regulation 63/09
Class C Pesticides may only be sold to individuals who possess  one of the following:

A valid copy of at least one of these licenses will be required at purchase to acquire any Class C Pesticide treatment.

Thymovar is used for the treatment of varroa mites. It is less harmful on brood and bee’s than other treatments.

Less harmful on brood and bees than other treatments.

  • It is particularly suitable for people with low to medium mite levels.

The long-term application protects the bee population from the reintroduction of Varroa mites from other bee hives.

  • 10 strips per pack
  • Use 1 - 2 strips per hive depending on the internal volume of the hive
  • Nucs use 1/2 strip, single deeps use 1 strip and double deeps use 2 strips
  • A great way to keep mites out of your hive
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